
Wednesday, June 21

I Can't Find My Friend

New Friend Alert!

Pandering to Savages has been added to our illustrious list of links to places to waste even more of your precious life away. This guy, Greg Klein, can spin a yarn, AND prune a sheep, AND knit a sweater! So, CHECK HIM OUT! Also, I've partied with him so he deserves a link... OF MY SAUSAGE!


Katy said...

Ummm I know Greg and I know he can't really shear sheep, spin yarn and knit a sweater. Otherwise I woulda married him. You should not lie on your blog, people read your lies.

Greg "Danger" Klein said...

Was I really only three steps away from marrying you? Dang, these things could have been brought to my attention earlier, Katy.

Well, at the very least, I can take the sheep, butcher it, grill up the meat, and serve it to my good friend 3kalb for those kind, kind words. So there!

Austin said...

I've seen Greg shear a sweet, adolescent lamb, and let me tell you, he shears like nobody's business.

That said, the Affleck link was one that Pandering to Savages would've proudly called their own. Le hotness!

Greg "Danger" Klein said...

Yes, he's the hairy chested, debonaire cherry on top of a delicious sundae about me. *glee*