
Wednesday, November 22

Website Wednesday #7
Bad Vibes

This week's website is all about sounds that make you SQUIRM, not my opinion on the Cyndi Lauper and Jeff Goldblum flick. Bad Vibes is on a quest to find what humans think is the Worst Sound In The World orld rld. The site is backed by Salford University's Acoustic Research Centre and is led by Prof. Trevor Cox.

Once you are at the site you'll state a bit about yourself; gender, age, and location. Then you'll listen to a number of sounds and rate how bad they are on a range of Not Horrible to Horrible. Your vote is then sifted into the database and goes into their research.

What sound will drive you over the edge? A screaming child? A yapping dog? Fingernails across a chalkboard? Do you have what it takes to rate them all?

Bad Vibes

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