
Thursday, October 23

Lost in Albion

It's late, and I'm feeling better. I would have posted earlier, but I've been wrapped up in Fable 2. I've been sick for the last couple of days so I haven't been able to play. I actually put those days aside to play, but now that I'm better I dedicated all of today to take in as much as I can. Boy have I been doing just that. Just call me couch fatass. I've been in my jammies ALL DAY playing Fable 2.

*pops back*

Ok, so it's not the greatest RPG ever made like Peter Molyneux claimed (like he always claims). It's pretty good though. Not great. Let me emphasis that, not great, but a solid good. If you're looking for a big pretty action-adventure RPG fantasy world to run around in then this is your game. I have a few problems with it, which I will state now. However, everything else about this game is gravy.

1) Multi-player. It's co-op, that's cool. However, one can't bring their custom characters into a game. Only two people per game.; one is the host, and the other joins. The joiner has to select from a stock of henchmen models, and can only bring in their abilities from their character. Lame. Why can't I bring in my custom character? Why? Oh, and during co-op the camera is fixed for both parties, and there is an invisible tether between the two. I could understand all of these hangups if I were playing split screen because the CPU couldn't process two worlds at the same time, but we have two machines here. What gives?

Ok, so that's about my biggest complaint. Sorry, I thought there were more. The co-op does allow for you to turn on orbs so that you can see orb representations of your friends or anyone playing fly around the world in real-time. When you get near an orb you can actually talk to them via headset. Which is cool. You don't see their model, but you see an orb. Eh. You can trade with orbs, or view their stats, or even hop into their game. All pretty cool, but could have been better. I'm seriously hoping that there will be a co-op patch down the line that will allow for everything I mentioned earlier.

Ok, back to more Fable 2! Peace out, paupers!

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