
Monday, July 10

From YouTube To Your Tube

Have you ever been trolling vid sites online and came across an absolute gem of a video. A video so good that you want it on your hard drive at all times to show anyone that comes within six feet of your computer? Then the question remains, how do you get the video from the stream and onto a self-contained video file? Well, fortunately, there is a way, a FREE way. All you need is this handy guide with links to the three programs you'll need; Firefox, VideoDownloader, and MediaCoder. This guide is simple and informative. It also works with not only YouTube videos, but GoogleVideos, and iFilm videos, just to name a few, as well. It's an easy process to capture a vid stream, and only takes a few moments. So, grab it up and start archiving your favorite internet clips and videos.

Props to Hippo for submitting this to digg.