
Wednesday, July 26

Kevin Smith Throws Fresh Tomatoes

Kevin Smith posted a comment on a Clerks II thread in a Rotten Tomatoes Forum. His comment was a reply to a user who started the thread. The user, boxofficemojo, claimed that Clerks II was a flop, and then went on to spout non-sense to back up his claim. Smith, ThatKevinSmith (post #15), rebuttled with how his sources aren't credible, and even wrong. Smith continues with how Clerks II was actually a success, although not a box-office topper like other movies that weekend.

It's kind of like Jay & Silent Bob striking back at all those internet fucks, eh? Kudos to Smith for standing up for what he believes in and presenting a good counter-argument to all those whiny critics out there.

My Boring-Ass Life: Kevin Smith's Online Diary

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