
Wednesday, July 26

Heavy Rain Falls On Weary Gamers

This is for all those gamers out there that think the current "shiny" slump that next-gen games are in will never end, and for those out there that think games can't appeal to you emotionally like films or music can.

David Cage
, creator of the innovative story-telling title Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy), brings his new emotionally-charged vision, Heavy Rain, to the PS3 with ports for 360 and PC. There isn't much known about what his new title will be about, but it will involve new gameplay mechanics and won't feature any sci-fi elements like Fahrenheit did. The game is slated for a Q3 2008 release. Shown below is a tech demo of what Cage and Quantic Dream, his development company, have been working on. The demo was featured at E3 2K6, and brought in quite a crowd. This demo was written for the PS3, and is rendered live on PS3 hardware. It also only took the team three months to create. Quantic Dream promises more quality animation and improved characters for the final launch of the game.

Cage was also interviewed by Edge this month. They discussed his thoughts on the future of next-gen games. Read More...

Heavy Rain Tech Demo

Heavy Rain @ GameTrailers

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