
Tuesday, August 15


Well, gang I'm back from the ATL, and this (look up) is why I went. Yep. I went to see an Austin welcoming a Jon penis.

Well, I'm back now, and I'll indulge more about the reason for my visit in a later post. However, I start work at the BoS tomorrow and then this weekend, Llama, Hauz, and myself are moving up the S-Field. The Insight guy is supposed to show up between 1pm and 5pm on Sunday to set up TV/Internet for the apartment. I may not have time for new posts before then. Which sucks because I've got about five posts brewing in my head, but no time because I have to pack. I'll miss you guys. *tear*

I'll see you in a week. Take it sleazy!


Austin said...


Katy said...

Looks delightful!

Patrick W. Rollens said...

Hey 3kalb, congrats on the new job and the move to Springfield! You're a half-hour closer to Chi-town this way!

I just got an Xbox (sigh...welcome to the 20th century) and would like to engage you in Halo Live, if possible. What's your screenname?

3kalb said...

Pat. I have a boner about your xbox liveliness. My SN is EK4LB. (That's all caps, yo.) Hit me up. We are up and running online. We just have to set up the router. However that shall be done within the week.

Austin. Vagina!

Katy. Doesn't it?

3kalb said...

I'm sorry gang. It's been a busy week, what with the new job and the move, and classes starting. I promise I'll put something up soon. Definitely by the end of the weekend. Until then... enjoy this.