
Monday, August 7

Who Owns Mario And Luigi?

Guess who has a new Monopoly game? Nintendo, that's who! USAopoly has issued a Nintendo Collector's Edition of the famous anger-inducing board game. Now you can lock up your Mario in jail for speeding or by chance collect 200 coins in error from the bank.

I personally love Monopoly and can never find anyone to play with. However, I must admit that Monopoly is a game you start playing as you start drinking. I'll never forget the best Monopoly game I ever played. It was down in CoMo with Au$10, Crowdpleaser, and many other CoMo dwellers at that time. We were sober when it started and drunk when it finished. The game evolved into a match between girls and boys, and eventually the evil Crowdpleaser put on his crooked sinister hat and tried to mastermind the game. Eventually, he fell but all was good in the land of CoMo because we were all drunk. Best Monopoly game ever.

Monopoly: Nintendo Collector's Edition


Greg "Danger" Klein said...

Drunken monopoly really is the only way to play. That way, the drunkenness overpowers the usual fisticuffs following a game.

3kalb said...

I agree completely. The friends I have around here think that it would just amplify the anger. I think that's all wrong. If that's the case then there are more issues at hand than just Monopoly.

Greg "Danger" Klein said...

Obviously some Jewish banking conspiracy. The Rothschilds are spreading negative propaganda about Monopoly to stop people from playing it, thus keeping us ignorant about the world of financial transactions. Like keeping reading material from the serfs.

If I disappear suddenly, you'll know I may have hit a little too close to the truth. Should that happen, rent Conspiracy Theory to see how you can rescue me. My life's in your hands!