
Thursday, July 20

Riff It! Riff It Good!

Mystery Science Theater 3000's (MST3K) Michael J. Nelson is back at it with his new project, RiffTrax. Nelson isn't just riffing on old B-Movies this time around though. He's tackling requests from you and or me.

Here's the skinny, Nelson records a .mp3 commentary track of a film. You download it for $1.99. Then you sync it up with the actual film and enjoy the hijinks of MST3K with a familiar friend. Awwww.

Mike's first RiffTrax is for the Patrick Swayze classic, Roadhouse.

It sounds like Nelson was inspired by his recent gigs at Legend Films wherein he added commentary tracks to restored sci-fi and horror films. I got a copy of Legend Film's restored Ed Wood classic Plan 9 From Outer Space. I haven't listened to all of Mike's track yet, but from what I've heard it's pretty good. It isn't as fast paced as the MST3K tracks, but that's only because there is one guy riffing and not three.

If anyone checks out RiffTrax (Greg, I'm looking in your direction) tell me how it goes.

1 comment:

Greg "Danger" Klein said...

That is awesome, sir. Definitely checkouttable. I miss, heart, and everything in between, MST3K.

I was keeping my fingers crossed for RobotJox on the list. Guess I'll have to keep hoping. For now, though, Swazye will sate the appetite nicely.