
Friday, September 1

Butting Heads

This is how our soldiers spend their free time. Exhilarating, isn't it?

Soldier Vs. Ram @ Google Video


Greg "Danger" Klein said...

Baa all that you can baa.

HAHAHAHAHAHA! LOL! LMAOROFL! Oh man, I slay me! Woo! *tear*

Okay, that was pretty bad. What can I say, I loves me some lowest common denominator. Sorry to ram-ble on, don't mean to get your goat. Oh snap! Can't stop me!

Patrick W. Rollens said...

That's exactly what I was thinking: those poor soldiers. Bring 'em home, I say! Or give 'em some Xboxes!

And to keep the pun thing going: Blake, you're baa-aa-aad.

3kalb said...

Knock it off! YOu kids (get it?) are pulling the wool over my eyes. I know you hated that video bit. Har!

Greg "Danger" Klein said...

Don't butt heads with me on this, Blake, ewe (oh, I got it) better stop this before it turns into shear insanity.

Sorry, I was really fishing there.