
Thursday, November 13

Edge. Mirror's Edge. Jr.

Today's Thursday! Hug your neighbor! Scratch your foot! Make a sandwich! Give it to me!

Sick Status: Getting better. However I still can't do the Peppy Hare voice and properly quote "DO A BARREL ROLL!"

I've been emerged in Mirror's Edge ever since I picked it up yesterday. It's a fast, exhilarating, and sometimes frustrating experience. I mention frustrating because the combat takes a bit to get used to, and more often than not you kind of feel like you're a rat in a cage. You run and run from the cops, and then bam! You hit a dead end. You can hear the blues coming up on you. Their shots whizzing by your melon and burrowing into the wall, but you just stand around looking, sometimes jumping against the wall and falling onto your back like a foolish turtle. However, all of that aside this game is one of the most immersive experiences I've ever had in a video game. I'm constantly white-knuckle gripping the controller with sweaty palms. The sense of panic is very real in this game. Oh, and the deaths are very visceral. When you fall the the camera gets shaky as can be, and the sound becomes distorted as the wind bellows past you. A horrific crescendo leading up to a bone-crunching death as the screen goes black. Very nice!

In other news I'm going to take my happy ass to see the midnight premiere of 007:Quantum of Solace tonight. We'll see just how good "the best Bond movie yet" is.

I'm off to the showers! Peace.

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